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What is CDP?

How long is it?

College Dance Prep is an extensive preparation course for dancers interested in trying out for college dance teams. Know where you want to go to college? Great. We can specifically address that team's needs. Don't know where you want to go to college? Even better. We can provide the information and tools that will help guide you to the college that is the best fit for you

CDP prep clincs vary in length. Individual lessons can begin up to 6 months before auditions take place. Group clinics operate as a 6 part cohesive curriculum, each lesson building upon the last. The 6 session course will cover every facet of the audition process- dance technique, interview skills, and appearance and attire information are just a small piece of what CDP will cover during the prep clinics.

The coolest thing about CDP? CDP's founder, Natalie Chernow, flies around the country to sit down with college coaches face to face.  Having personal meetings with college coaches allows Natalie to find out EXACTLY what they are looking for at auditions.  In addition, different college coaches will attend the sessions, giving the dancers a specific look inside their team.





One on One with College Coaches 

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